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  2. Televisi
  3. The White Lotus (2021)

Shane Patton (S1) tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Shane Patton (S1)? Shane Patton (S1) adalah tipe kepribadian ESTJ di mbti, 1w2 - sp/sx - 136 di enneagram, SLOEN dalam Big 5, LSE dalam socionics."

Te-Si ego block is good on him, so i bet on LSE. He was annoying as fuck, but LSE are needed by this world a lot. Their conflict with Armond is not Shane's fault entirely, it started with Armond fucking up with the suite, so Shane reacted logically. The problem was his Si and socionics Fe that started asking for a pat on the head from Rachel. He's like a big toddler. His main problem is that he can't chill out. Like, at all. Rachel tries to say - hey, it's okay, no need to make a big problem out of that, but our boy Shane, moved by his Si-Fi, needs everything to be perfect and by-the-book. Rachel doesn't want that? Well, fuck Rachel then. A lot of insecure Fi, big anger problems. I would say the main difference between SLE and LSE is that SLE's anger is explosive, LSE's anger is petty. And Shane is really petty. He doesn't know how to express his Fi appropriately, when he wants to do one thing, it comes off as a different one. He and Rachel have a very low level of understanding each other and i don't know how they even got married at all.


Rachel's husband, who is a demanding and entitled wealthy real estate agent.

Televisi karakter yang mirip dengan Shane Patton (S1)
