Keith Green tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Keith Green? Keith Green adalah tipe kepribadian INFP di mbti, - sx/so - 964 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, EIE dalam socionics."

I’m split over ENFP vs INFP, but either way I think he had a strong Fi. Some of his lyrics are brutally prophetic (not future seeing prophetic, but the black and white judging / truth-telling), the song Asleep in the Light is probably the best example of this. Later in life he acknowledged how intense he could be. Based on this I had a hard time with his enneagram, because it’s also a very 1 behavior being so frank. His biography is called No Compromise and that feels like a 4 attitude, so I want to say a 41X tritype, or maybe he was a 4 who leaned heavily into his 1 integration point. At the same time, he was also really loving and deeply cared about people / had concern for their eternal destiny / wanted people to experience Jesus; I want to say that’s a 6 kind of thing, but I also don’t have a great understanding of 6’s. So maybe 416. But I also wonder about 417, 7 because of his constant drive from the beginning of his career until his death a few years later. As far as his songwriting, the lyrics are Fi, and his piano writing style Ne. There’s an account of when he first started recording, and they figured out that something didn’t sound write when they’d record the piano track separate from the vocals, but when they recorded both together it sounded 100 times better. As a Fi-Ne songwriter myself, I can totally relate to this, there’s something really personal about your songs where what you sing and play is really tied together. (Note: I’m not married to this evaluation / this might true of anyone)


Keith Gordon Green was an American contemporary Christian music pianist, singer, and songwriter originally from Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, New York. Beyond his music, Green is best known for his strong devotion to Christian evangelism and challenging others to the same. (Wikipedia)

Musik selebriti mirip dengan Keith Green
