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Fulgur Ovid tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Fulgur Ovid? Fulgur Ovid adalah tipe kepribadian INTJ di mbti, 8w9 - sx/so - 845 di enneagram, RCOAI dalam Big 5, ILI dalam socionics."

I meant to post these ages ago, but some evidence for Ni besides just the 'vibes' he gives off is how much he is into subtleties. Ie. In his debut, at the end when he started 'buzzing/glitching out' + in some of his tweets, those beeps were actually a message in morse code. [In his debut, the beeps spell out PROFESSOR CANIS, and in this tweet: https://twitter.com/Fulgur_Ovid/status/1496226442325155841, it spells out BITE OF 22] Everything in his streaming background was carefully designed to include meaning too. Ie. the shelf of books are all his favorites and rather than 'just looking pretty', the plants symbolize things in floriography that are essential to the Legatus lore. (ie. love-lies-bleeding = hopeless love/hopelessness and wolf's bane = caution, treachery, and misanthropy) Lastly, his name, 'Fulgur Ovid' is derived from the Latin terms 'fulgur' (meaning lightning) and 'ovis' (meaning sheep, hence why he is frequently holding a plush sheep, is wearing sheep antlers, and his membership is called membaasheep). 'Lightning Sheep' was in reference to the cyberpunk novel: 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' and Ovid was a reference to a famous Roman poet, renowned for his verse's technical accomplishments. Ni-overload + thought put into everything lol Also explains why he really likes the ship name: 'Psyborg' since it sounds exactly like Cyborg + likes a lot of 'Ni' works Will change vote to INTJ for now, since his manner of speech/way he goes about things is fairly Te-like and how different he is from Yugo (an obvious ISFP imo)


Part of Nijisanji EN Noctyx
