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Miquella the Kind tipe kepribadian MBTI

Miquella the Kind tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Miquella the Kind? Miquella the Kind adalah tipe kepribadian INFJ di mbti, 2w1 - so/sx - 271 di enneagram, SCOAI dalam Big 5, EIE dalam socionics."

Just a few thoughts: 😊 - I don’t understand how he has 3L, whenever he is known for his wisdom/intelligence( he didn’t agree with the philosophy of the golden order, so he left it for that reason, as well as its inability to cure him or his sister). I think that xExF are correct, but the V and L need to be switched(LEVF makes more sense to me). Also, someone being manipulative does not mean that they are automatically a VELF :) - If we are going off of stereotypes, IEI makes FAR more sense than EIE. EIE’s generally carry much more social presence, and are seen as more “dominant” in the social atmosphere. IEI’s, on the other hand, are generally more melancholic/introverted, with a mix of hopeful idealism. Both can be very charismatic, but EIE’s will have a “louder charisma”(more in your face), while IEI’s may have more of a quiet charm. Of those two, which do you think matches Miquella more?? 🙃 - I think my most controversial opinion is Miquella’s enneagram type, so hear me out. Many people seem to think that Miquella is an enneagram 2, which I can see merit in… superficially. I think that one of the main strengths of Elden Ring, as well as one of its greatest weaknesses, is the ambiguity in its story. There is a lot that is left open for interpretation and creativity. My main criticism for Miquella being a social two is that I am not sure that his MAIN goal was to feel “lovable”, but rather, to “break a wheel”, so to speak. I think that Miquella has many parallels to Dany Targaryen in the sense that he wants to make a new and better world that is uniquely his own. He was driven by second hand guilt and shame to right the wrongs of his mother, with an emphasis on doing it his own way (divestment, so that he wouldn’t “repeat his mothers mistakes” ). Also, in the remembrance description of a God and a Lord, it mentions that Miquella chose Radahn because he saw something in Radahn that he didn’t feel that he himself possessed. Maybe his infatuation with Radahn stemmed from a feeling of lack/ inferiority/ incompleteness? Considering what I have said, I hope that you can see why I am voting him as a so/sx 4w5 (with a developed wing five), and not a so/sx E2 :) - Finally, his temperament could either be Mel-Phleg or Mel-Sang(both make sense to me), but I am going to go with melancholic-sanguine, since he has a pretty clear cut vision of how to “right the wrongs of the world”(but being unable to achieve it). I may update this comment later, or I may not. Bye 💜 💜 little edit: I am of the belief that Miquella started off as a neutrally good person, who genuinely wanted to do well. But, as he was driven into extremism, I believe that one could argue that his moral alignment shifted from “neutral good” to “true neutral”. I still don’t think that he was, or is, “evil”. 😁


Miquella of the Haligtree is a background character in Elden Ring, the twin brother of Malenia, and one of the Empyreans. He's a major character in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC.

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