Frenchie tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Frenchie? Frenchie adalah tipe kepribadian ENTP di mbti, 9w1 - sp/so - 963 di enneagram, RCUAI dalam Big 5, SLE dalam socionics."

Ne PoLR? Not in the slightest. Take a look at the episode in which he and Oluwande are attending the party with Stede and Ed. Oluwande is lost for words when confronted with a situation that prompts him to come up with a plausible story, meanwhile Frenchie not only comes up with a believable lie but clearly has a blast doing it. He not only shows the capability of, but an actual PREFERENCE for, using Ne.


A musician on the crew of the Revenge.

Televisi karakter yang mirip dengan Frenchie
