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Oscar Piastri tipe kepribadian MBTI

Oscar Piastri tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Oscar Piastri? Oscar Piastri adalah tipe kepribadian ISTP di mbti, 5w6 - so/sp - 531 di enneagram, RCOAN dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

I don't have a stable arguement with the mbti, but the e9 seems the most logical to me, especially with the 1 wing. A man who can be perceived as lazy but he just knows what he's doing and does it efficiently without any side quests, is chasing physical stimulation (hence the S and... like being a pilot.) Doesn't express intense emotions, more of a blunt person. Also very friendly and frank and overall... searching for simple methods, including actions, daily life, solutions, personality. ISTP is also compatible with sp9 and not unusual at all (while sx9 and so9 is and actually contradicts ISTP.) Gonna be back once i watch more content of him :) I'm also debating on sp5 but not so sure.


Oscar Jack Piastri (born 6 April 2001) is an Australian racing driver currently competing in Formula One for McLaren. He won the 2019 Formula Renault Eurocup with R-ace GP, and won the 2020 FIA Formula 3 Championship and 2021 Formula 2 Championship with Prema Racing. He is only the sixth driver to win the GP2/Formula 2 Championship in their rookie season, and the fifth driver to win the GP3/Formula 3 Championship and the GP2/Formula 2 Championship in consecutive seasons. Due to his success in lower formulae, Piastri is widely considered as one of the most promising young drivers in motorsport.

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