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ROLAND tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu ROLAND? ROLAND adalah tipe kepribadian ENTJ di mbti, 3w4 - sp/so - 531 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

His Te is constantly on and absorbing facts and lessons from everything around him. Even when he is watching anime. He is extremely analytical but tries to extract that key point of wisdom from anything he interacts with rather than the factual data. So I think Te and coupled with an intuitive function in this case probably Ni. Then he uses a lot of analogies and a picturesque way of speaking which indicates Ni to me. Another key component of his speech pattern is his general knowledge, even when observing simple things he knows the theory behind why it functions like that. For example, he knew that watching fire has a calming effect on humans due to our instincts. This indicates again Te to me rather than Fe. Yes he is charismatic, sociable and an extrovert but not in a Fe way, if he displays Fe it is probably learned from books which he said he studied a lot on how to become more charismatic. He is extremely charismatic but cool at the same time and steadfast in his presence. He doesn't try hide his personality or his 'nerdy' interests. And he doesn't care if what he says is disliked by other people. Overall I think he is an ENTJ.


ROLAND (ローランド, 1992) is a Japanese host, fashion model, TV personality, and entrepreneur.

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