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Jeremy "Big Jerm" Koling tipe kepribadian MBTI

Jeremy "Big Jerm" Koling tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Jeremy "Big Jerm" Koling? Jeremy "Big Jerm" Koling adalah tipe kepribadian ENFJ di mbti, 2w3 - so/sx - 279 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, EIE dalam socionics."

What a wild ride it was tracking this character down. I absolutely did not come in expecting ENFJ. When I type disc golfers I naturally start with an assumption of sensing. What I found is a guy who is quite fond of the abstract. I learned a few things.. Big Jerm loves graphic design. https://www.pinterest.com/jeremykoling/art-design/ Yes this does not eliminate the sensors. HOWEVER wait till you see this jewel. Yes Big Jerms girlfriend appears to be a clear INFP. https://www.instagram.com/moonflower_jewels/?hl=en Is this the illusive ENFJ/INFP wombo combo? ENFJ Creative Media Professional? Check. ENFJ Graphic Design? Check This is officially the disc golfer I am most interested in having an MBTI verification done on


Professional disc golfer who is most commonly known for his disc golf commentary on JomezPro.

Olahraga selebriti mirip dengan Jeremy "Big Jerm" Koling
