Philip tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Philip? Philip adalah tipe kepribadian ISFJ di mbti, 9w1 - sx/sp - 963 di enneagram, SCUAN dalam Big 5, SEI dalam socionics."

"Philip is a person which loves to look through past memories, sometimes even coming across as vindictive. He pays attention to all the details around him. People always were the case of his little obession. When someone above average happened to appear in his dull life, he tried to copy their behavior and traits" MBTI Si+Fe, so ISFJ makes sense. I can also see 1F and 2E, and he cares too much about V to have it in fourth position, so I'd say 3V. E9 seems likely. "He is to closed in his way of thinking to look deeper inside himself and what he truely wants to achieve. He only copies and does everything people say to him, without any reasoning behind it." Lack of MBTI Fi. I can see 4L. "Philip wants to feel a deep connection with them which may seem like romantic." Fits sx9. "When this person rejects him, he never blames himself." Strong E6. 963's description seems to fit more than 962's. "Philip has pottential he doesn't see. He has a great memory, but he never used it to learn something new. He is good with money and calculating, but he never invested in anything nor thought of making something similar to it. He isn't a bad cooker either, he clearly has some promising skills for it as well. But the problem is, he never sees potential in who he is. He is to much focused on external approval to analyse his own needs and wants in the first place. He views the world around him in a pretty shallow way." At first I doubted if he was EII or SEI in Socionics, but this last part confirmed SEI imo. He doesn't see potential, so strong socio Ne (EII) wouldn't make sense. He needs help to see and develop that potential he has trouble perceiving (Ne suggestive), he needs the help of a high Ne user. He doesn't seem to have Fe PoLR because of his focus on the social atmosphere, so I don't think he's SLI. What is certain is that he is not in the Gamma or the Beta Quadra. Btw you've inspired me to maybe submit my OCs in the future too xD I'm sick of typing them myself lol


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