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Mario Incandenza tipe kepribadian MBTI

Mario Incandenza tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Mario Incandenza? Mario Incandenza adalah tipe kepribadian ISFJ di mbti, 9w1 - so/sp - 926 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

Extremely healthy ISFJ with an immense heart (literally and figuratively) and competent Ne. Falls into Si-Ti grip when it comes to Hal specifically. “He can’t tell if Hal is sad. He is having a harder and harder time reading Hal’s mind or whether he’s in good spirits. This worries him. He used to be able to sort of pre-verbally know in his stomach generally where Hal was and what he was doing, even if Hal was far away and playing or if Mario was away, and now he can’t anymore. Feel it. This worries him and feels like when you’ve lost something important in a dream and you can’t even remember what it was but it’s important. Mario loves Hal so much it makes his heart beat hard. He doesn’t have to wonder if the difference now is him or his brother because Mario never changes.”

