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Chihuahua tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Chihuahua? Chihuahua adalah tipe kepribadian ESTJ di mbti, 6w7 - sx/sp - 684 di enneagram, RLUEN dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

Angri Mfs but I love them


The Chihuahua is a tiny but confident dog that loves to give and receive attention. Despite its petite and fragile appearance, ​the breed is quite bold—even brazen. It boasts distinct features, like wide eyes and ears that are usually erect and very large in relation to its small head and body. The Chihuahua has a unique personality and can be quite an affectionate and loyal companion dog. Chihuahuas are incredibly popular pets and those owners who care for them consider themselves Chihuahua fans for life. Beloved for their spunky (and sometimes sassy) nature, Chihuahuas make up for what they lack in size with larger-than-life personalities. The Chihuahua's affectionate and attention-loving nature makes it a snuggly dog that enjoys being carried around and pampered. When raised and handled appropriately, the Chihuahua can make a wonderful companion for many kinds of families. Not all Chihuahuas will automatically get along with children, but they can be trained and socialized to get along with kids. It is often recommended that Chihuahuas not be adopted into a family with young children, as the children may not handle a small dog as gently as is needed to prevent injury.
