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Fighting Type tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Fighting Type? Fighting Type adalah tipe kepribadian ESTP di mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - 873 di enneagram, SLUEN dalam Big 5, SLE dalam socionics."

(Remembered about doing those again but now I'm doing it in another account for organizational purposes) Notable fighting type trainer's typology (according to their pdb consensus) • Bruno: ISTP 8w9 sp/so 836 LSI Chol-Phleg • Chuck: ESTP 8w7 sx/sp 826 ESE San-Chol • Brawly: ESTP 7w8 sx/so 782 ESE San-Phleg • Maylene: ISFP 9w8 sp/so 963 IEI San-Mel • Marshal: ISTP 8w9 so/sp 852 LSI Phleg [Dom] • Korrina: ENFP 7w6 sx/so 748 EIE San [Dom] • Hala: ENFJ 1w2 so/sx 172 ESE San-Phleg • Bea: ISTP 6w5 sx/so 683 SLI Chol [Dom] 》Most common four letter type: XSTP (by dichotomies) 》Most common cognitive function axis: Se-Ni, Ti-Fe 》Most common ennea-type: 8w9 (appeared three times as the core type and six times as a fix) 》Most common tritype fixes: 2 (heart), 6 (mind), 8 (body) 》Most common instinctual variants: sx/so 》Most common socionics: ESE 》Most valued socionics functions: Fe-Ti, Si-Ne/Se-Ni 》Most common Temperament: Sanguine > Choleric > Phlegmatic > Melancholic 》Final typology: ESTP 8w9 sx/so 826 ESE San-Chol This was just made for fun and I'm pretty sure that most of this consensus are not absolutely correct tbh but this is just a dumb analysis


Fighting-types tend to represent various styles of martial artists, but with the twist that these fighters have their skills as a natural ability, rather than as a discipline. They can be found in caves, honing their discipline against the tough Rock-types, and occasionally in urban areas, likely a result of their discipline making them easily domesticated. They can be useful in construction. Originally, Fighting-types weren't very useful in Gen I, when Psychic-types ruled the proverbial roost. With the introduction of both Dark- and Steel-types, both of which were weak to Fighting-types, their usability shot up dramatically, and they are now one of the major attacking types alongside Ground and Rock. Fighting-type attacks are super-effective on Normal, Rock, Ice, and the aforementioned Dark and Steel types, but are resisted by Bug, Poison, Flying, Psychic, and Fairy-types and completely ignored by Ghosts. Fighting-types are also useful defensively against Rock, Bug, and Dark attacks, but take double damage from Flying, Psychic, and Fairy moves. As of Gen IX, Fighting has been paired with every other type at least once.
