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Werewolf tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Werewolf? Werewolf adalah tipe kepribadian ISTP di mbti, 8w7 - sp/sx - 863 di enneagram, RLUEN dalam Big 5, SLE dalam socionics."

The loner


As with vampires, the exact parameters of lycanthropy vary, but to meet the definition, a werewolf must a person who takes the form of a wolf under certain conditions (the exact details do vary. Far and away the most popular concept is that a werewolf is a human who has somehow become able to temporarily transform (usually unwillingly) into a wolf that goes on to run wild (rarely remembering their romp). Usual methods include a Viral Transformation spread by being bitten, but a lot of depictions show lycanthropy as solely hereditary. Other popular causes include curses and typical Mad Scientist experiments. Like most werewolves, the classic wolf-man only transforms on the full moon, or, failing that, at night, though none of this is a given in modern works. The word "werewolf" is a compound with the archaic English word wer. Etymologically, "man" was once genderless, and wer referred to a male adult; compare this to the Latin vir, where we get the words "virile" and "virtue". Hence, the not-uncommon female lycanthrope should more strictly be a "wifwolf" (or "woman-wolf"), a term that has not seen much actual use. Werewolves go back to the European Middle Ages and to the Ancient Greek myth of a king cursed by Zeus to become one. Werewolves are very popular because of qualities of opposing forces of man versus animal nature.
