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Andrew Ng tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Andrew Ng? Andrew Ng adalah tipe kepribadian INTP di mbti, 5w6 - so/sp - 513 di enneagram, RCOEI dalam Big 5, LII dalam socionics."

A very good example of a healthy INTP. He seems a lot like my close INTP friend who I know since my comp science college days. And he is so much like him in the speaking style and the calming and intellectual presence, very well educated person and you can just feel the fondness Andrew has for learning computer science concepts. Very healthy Ti that has not been lazy and gone on to study the things that he wanted to. Healthy INTPs are an unmatched vibe. Please watch his interview with Lex Fridman, that is what healthy Ti + Ne sounds like. Like they have total command and in-depth knowledge about their subject. I am not sure where the INTJ votes are coming from. He is a heavy (and very very healthy) Ti user. And any INTPs reading this, please watch Andrew, he might inspire you, to just be more productive and have such poise.


Andrew Yan-Tak Ng (Chinese: 吳恩達; born 1976) is a Chinese-American computer scientist, focusing on machine learning and AI.Also a business executive and investor in the Silicon Valley, Ng co-founded and led Google Brain and was a former Vice President and Chief Scientist at Baidu, building the company's Artificial Intelligence Group into a team of several thousand people.

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