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  3. The Outsiders

Marcia tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Marcia? Marcia adalah tipe kepribadian ESFP di mbti, 7w6 - so/sp - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

new to this so imma try to answer cus no one else is. “I realized then that Marcia and Cherry weren't alike. Cherry had said she wouldn't drink Dally's Coke if she was starving, and she meant it. It was the principle of the thing. But Marcia saw no reason to throw away a perfectly good, free Coke.” she pretty much follows stereotypical ESFP traits—she’s talkative, social, very in the moment, fairly impulsive, yet practical. i think her se is stronger than her fi because she cares more about living in the moment and the experience of things without thinking about the consequences, but that’s based on her own values she follows, which isn’t really guided by logic or principle. she hit it off with two-bit instantly (“Both had the same scatterbrained sense of humor.”) and didn’t hesitate flirting with him. she didn’t really care that he was a greaser, friends with dally, or that she had a boyfriend lol.


literatur karakter yang mirip dengan Marcia
