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Blueface tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Blueface? Blueface adalah tipe kepribadian ESTP di mbti, 7w8 - sp/sx - 793 di enneagram, SCUEN dalam Big 5, SLE dalam socionics."

The One's Who's Face Lost Oxygen Support, aka The Face of Master Blooregard, known to the common folks as Blueface is such an adept, high level, balanced ESTP. "Bust down, Thotiana. I wanna SEE you bust down" Clear Se established. He wants to see her bust down, no pun intended. "Pick it up, now break that shit down (Break it down)" Some of the most seasoned, razor sharp Ti of an avant garde genius, reminiscent of the intellectuals of the baroque era. He displays the masterful use of introverted thinking in a way that breaks down (no pun intended) what he wants to see Thotiana do, in a complex, witty manner. "Speed it up, then slow that shit down, on the GANG (Slow it down)" Blueface has, perhaps, the most developed Fe since Jesus and Buddha walked on our soils. He wants Thotiana to, in his gold encrusted words, to "slow that shit down, on the GANG". He wants his buddies to have a fun, consensual time with Thotiana, a generous man looking out for the well-being of his comrades and the beautiful mistress he is attempting to seduce with his silver tongue. His Ni is so obvious and well developed. Listen to Thotiana, I could have sworn it was written by Beethoven himself. Bluefacian's Ni puts even the strongest Ni dominants to SHAME. I almost mistook him for an Ni dominant, INxJ type. Such a balanced, well spoken and artistically inclined ESTP.


Johnathan Michael Porter (born January 20, 1997), better known by the stage name Blueface, is an American rapper and songwriter.

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