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Venus tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Venus? Venus adalah tipe kepribadian ENFJ di mbti, 4w3 - sx/so - 278 di enneagram, SLUAN dalam Big 5, EIE dalam socionics."

venus planet of love was destroyed by global warming did its people want too much too did its people want too muuuuch


Sometimes referred to as Earth's sister planet due to their similar sizes. It has an extremely dense atmosphere (surface pressure is 90 bars, compared to 1 on Earth) and can reach a surface temperature of 470 °C/870 °F (although at the top of Maxwell Montes, almost 7 miles above the average surface level, it's "only" 380 °C/716 °F and 60 bars). The culprit for all this? The greenhouse effect—90 atmospheres of carbon dioxide with some helping of other greenhouse gases will be quite hot. Volcanoes on Earth have belched out the same amount, but it ended up trapped in carbonate rock. Venus also started with the same amount of water as the earth had, but it was vaporized (300 atmospheres worth) and created a super greenhouse effect with temperatures in the thousands of degrees. Eventually the water molecules dissociated into hydrogen and oxygen and escaped into space, leaving Venus high and dry. Interestingly, the zone between 50 and 65 kilometers above the surface has pressures and temperatures right around Earth normal. Add to that the fact that an 80/20 nitrogen/oxygen mix would act like a lifting gas and Cloud City would be right at home. It oddly rotates in the opposite direction to most other planets. Due to Venus being mythologically associated with femininity, by convention all geographic features there are named after women or female entities, except for Maxwell Montes and Alpha and Beta Regio. There is some argument over whether the proper adjective is 'Venusian', 'Venerean', or 'Cytherean'.
