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Fire tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Fire? Fire adalah tipe kepribadian ESTP di mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - 873 di enneagram, SLUEN dalam Big 5, SLE dalam socionics."

I know some people might say that ESFP suits better fire because you associate fire with passion and passion with Fi, it’s a good argument I agree with. But look, ISTJ is typed earth, and ENFP is typed air. If we follow this logic, fire being ESFP would mean that water should be INTJ. I mean, why not, Ni is a function that can easily be associated with water. But I think it would be more logic that fire remains ESTP in order to make water INFJ. In this idea, opposing types are associated with opposing elements, and elements that are associated with masculine energy completes elements that are associated with feminine energy and so do types with their shadow-type, like : Air (Male, ENFP) / Water (Female, INFJ) Earth (Female, ISTJ) / Fire (Male, ESTP) Moreover, if we follow this idea, air and earth represents the Ne/Si and Te/Fi axes, whereas fire and water represents Se/Ni and Fe/Ti axes. Well, when I’m writing this, water page consensus is INFP, so fire should be ESTJ, but in that way, only Ne/Si and Te/Fi would be represented, and we miss the association of ENFP and ISTJ with their shadow-type. Anyway I hope all this makes sense! ✌️^^


Fire is one of the four classical elements along with earth, water and air in ancient Greek philosophy and science. Fire is considered to be both hot and dry and, according to Plato, is associated with the tetrahedron.
