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  2. Video game
  3. Dead by Daylight

Feng Min tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Feng Min? Feng Min adalah tipe kepribadian ISTP di mbti, 3w4 - sp/so - 358 di enneagram, RCOEI dalam Big 5, SLI dalam socionics."

She is not an INTJ. Her being strategic may mislead you into thinking she is one and that she uses Ni-Te for survival. That is wrong. Ti-Se is the perfect logical explanation for her survival instincts and literally one of her perks is "aware". >How can somebody be a Se Inferior and be aware of their surroundings most of the time? She quickly adapts to the dangerous environment and absorbs its information, thus her having a quick reaction time to be also tactical. Feng Min is one of those characters, where their MBTI Type is easy to spot. Simply to put, an ISTP.


A FOCUSED COMPETITOR A young woman surprised me the other day. She is another guest in this nightmare; I cannot seem to wake up from. She came running, passed by a wounded girl, and didn’t stop. Just a glance behind her, and she was off again. With a determined look on her face, like she had something important to do. A lone wolf maybe? I am not sure what I should call this new person. As a Survivor, Feng's unique perks Technician, Lithe and Alert allow her to work on Generators more effectively and gain advantages in the chase. Technician reduces the range at which repairing sounds can be heard and prevents generators from exploding when you miss a Skill Check at the cost of increasing the penalty for missed Skill Checks. Lithe causes you to break into a sprint after performing a fast vault. Alert reveals the Killer's aura to you for a short period of time whenever they break a pallet or wall or damage a generator.

Video game karakter yang mirip dengan Feng Min
