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  3. Eldarya

Lance tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Lance? Lance adalah tipe kepribadian ENTJ di mbti, 8w7 - sp/sx - 872 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, LIE dalam socionics."

In my opinion, Lance is more like an ENTJ. Te: He shares with everyone his way of thinking that not everyone respects dragons as they should, he doesn't care about ethics and principles. Ni: He plans everything for himself, thinks alone for himself Se: He's truly determined to achieve his goals no matter what (SPOIL: killing his brother ...). He act in the immediate context (In episode 30 of The Origins, we can see that it's after killing his brother that he begins to regret.) Fi: He don't seem to want to share his feelings easily


Lance is the older brother of Valkyon and formerly the leader of the Obsidian Guard. //SPOIL// During an expedition, everyone believed he was dead but they later discovered that it was the traitor Ashkore they had been looking for for a long time, it was him who shattered most of the pieces of the crystal.
