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Ari Melber tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Ari Melber? Ari Melber adalah tipe kepribadian ENTP di mbti, 7w8 - - di enneagram, SCOAI dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

God I love this guy, so smooth and smart. No homo. Ne- does random shiet in his show can't finish his to-do lists (27.1. tweet of him) his Twitter is pretty random sometimes like his rap quotes. Clear extrovert. Ti- precise in his logical arguments while delivering them with strong Ne-Fe, not much Te-edginess visible, usually does not show a lot of Fi.


Ari Naftali Melber is an American attorney and journalist for NBC News and host of MSNBC's The Beat with Ari Melber. The show premiered on July 24, 2017 and now averages 1.4 million average viewers, far more than CNN at 6pm and "MSNBC's best rating ever for the time slot," according to Forbes.

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