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Thundercat tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Thundercat? Thundercat adalah tipe kepribadian INTP di mbti, 9w1 - sp/so - 954 di enneagram, RCUAI dalam Big 5, SEI dalam socionics."

From his interview with Guardian: “From when I was a kid I was always very quiet within myself, I was never attention-hungry." ,  “I wouldn’t even tell you I’d play bass, my friends only knew I did because I spent all my time playing. And in the beginning of me becoming a songwriter, I’d get freaked out because it meant talking about things I’d usually keep internal, you know.”


Stephen Lee Bruner (born October 19, 1984), better known by his stage name Thundercat, is an American musician, record producer, singer and songwriter from Los Angeles, California.
