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Alexander McKechnie (Exurb1a) tipe kepribadian MBTI

Alexander McKechnie (Exurb1a) tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Alexander McKechnie (Exurb1a)? Alexander McKechnie (Exurb1a) adalah tipe kepribadian INTP di mbti, 5w4 - sx/sp - 549 di enneagram, RLUEI dalam Big 5, ILE dalam socionics."

Why 9>1? I think he have 1 on his tritype, he always talk in the perspective of “changing the world” (reformer characteristic), yes, ofc enneagram 1 it's not just about that, however, if you guys listen to mystiverse podcasts, where he have a special participation, - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwPDJz-GIdY&list=PLdkdX9a8ac9TlPVCT7qqK-GrLOVNsIGD9 - you will see Exurb1a’s articulations it’s always trying to find the better word that better fits what he’s trying to transmit (not only in the classic Ti way, but also by his own standards) always saying “sorry” and being self-critical. By that, i consider he has more prevalence of enneagram 1 defense mechanisms (use reaction formation to avoid direct anger and to control their emotions and instincts. This helps them maintain a self-image of being right. The relentless demand of the inner critic to be “good ” often replaces personal needs and shuts down feeling), than enneagram 9 (use narcotization to avoid conflict, manage their anger and maintain a self-image of being comfortable or harmonious, avoiding conflict with others keeps Nines from being fully present in relationships.), therefore i would bet on 1w9 fix.


Exurb1a is an educational YouTuber from England. His videos generally feature some combination of philosophy and physics.

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