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Taiga Kyomoto tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Taiga Kyomoto? Taiga Kyomoto adalah tipe kepribadian INTJ di mbti, 5w6 - sp/so - 539 di enneagram, RLUEI dalam Big 5, ILI dalam socionics."

Idk but Kyomo has always seemed more like a 5 dom (5w6) to me. I’ll focus more on 5 dom here because I’ll have to write another loooong comment for his w6 alone. Firstly, he seems to display a lot of curiosity in analysing other people and their behaviours. 1) From Wink Up 2021 May issue, “From Kyomoto to his members and fans” section: “With SixTONES (Kochi) is usually mild-mannered and the target of the other members’ teasing, but I have a theory that Kochi behaves differently when interacting with friends back home, and that Kochi is someone we (SixTONES members) don’t know …… That’s why I’m kinda interested in monitoring Kochi in private when he’s around his friends back home just to see the character he is when we (SixTONES members) are not around (laugh).” 2) SixTONES Youtube channel, capturing Skytree from as far as possible competition Part 2: https://youtu.be/5R8MAvdL5vQ 0:54- Juri: Kochi, can you come up with a game? Kochi: Make games…? Kyomo: I'm interested in what games Kochi can make Kochi: How does that work…I feel like Taiga is good this kind of thing Kyomo: Yeah I am Kochi: Wouldn't it be faster if you made it then? (laugh) Kyomo: I wanna know what the inside of Kochi's head is like 3) SixTONESANN radio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnEcBXR6k3o 0:00 - 4:47 Kyomo engages in a discussion with Juri as to why he was shown Doraemon on the TV in his manager’s car that day when the TV was usually used to watch TV programmes related to SixTONES (guest appearances etc.), and the manager would usually let him connect his phone via bluetooth so he could listen to music. He first thought that one of the members may have appeared on the show (voice acting etc.) which he immediately ruled out as there was no previous mention of such an arrangement. He then comes up with the next most possible theory that the manager thought he would be bored during the 30 minute car ride (which was considerably longer than usual) if he was not given something to watch. While being curious about people is not a specific trait to 5, Kyomo’s consistency in observing people and pursuing the meaning and intentions behind their actions and behaviours just for the sake of exploring and understanding them (sometimes contesting/disregarding social harmony and propriety in the process) seems like 5 dom behaviour. A 9 dom, especially with sp/so IV, may be less inclined to push for understanding (in the form of conducting their own mini experiments based on internal theories or engaging in open discussions with other members etc.) to the detriment of inner peace, and peace in their surrounding social environment. In Wink Up and the Capturing Skytree Competition Part ⅔ Youtube video, he expresses a strong interest in learning about Kochi's possible multifacetedness. In Wink Up, he wants to take up the passive, unseen observer role to observe and literally "monitor" Kochi when he is interacting with his friends back home. In the Skytree Part ⅔ video, he is slightly more proactive in studying Kochi by disagreeing with Kochi's suggestion to come up with a game. He prioritises his curiosity (of what Kochi's thought process is) over the overarching need for all members' entertainment during the car ride (by playing games). His curiosity seems to outweigh the need for maintaining a pleasant and comfortable social environment. (1/2, continued in the reply section to this comment)


Kyomoto Taiga (京本大我) born on December 3, 1994, is a Japanese idol, singer & actor, is a member of Johnny & Associates group SixTONES, they have a YouTube channel too.

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