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Gogeta tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Gogeta? Gogeta adalah tipe kepribadian ENTP di mbti, 8w7 - so/sx - 872 di enneagram, dalam Big 5, SLE dalam socionics."

People saying ESTP don’t really understand that Ne/Ti dom fits perfectly for Gogeta. Unlike Vegito, Gogeta will conceal his energy as long as possible, only powering up or using special moves when the time is needed for them, not when he feels like showing off. Of course, Gogeta is still a little cocky, but not to the point that it detriments his fighting prowess. It’s also worth mentioning one of Gogeta’s signature moves, Stardust Breaker, is very reminiscent of Ne dom, as it’s a way to test if the opponent is truly evil and worth killing without letting his guard down. The 8w7 type would also go hand-in-hand with ENTP, as this type combination is usually more disciplined and less egotistical than say ESTP 8w7 or ENTP 7w8. I’m not too well versed in enneagrams to explain why this is, but in terms of its application to Gogeta it could potentially be because nothing can break the fusion except for the 30-minute time limit, so naturally he needs to work as fast as possible without sacrificing time or energy due to his cockiness.


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