1. Orang & karakter
  2. Film
  3. Hacksaw Ridge (2016)

Dorothy Schutte tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Dorothy Schutte? Dorothy Schutte adalah tipe kepribadian ENFJ di mbti, 2w1 - so/sp - 216 di enneagram, SCOAI dalam Big 5, ESE dalam socionics."

She had very strong Fe and was very supportive of Desmond. She did a nurturing shop interested in helping others affected by the war. Even though she appears to conform to most of soceieties ideals and always presents herself modest and polite, she has a certain rebellious side to her, shown in her strong personal beliefs about the war. She chooses Desmond because she saw him as different and recognized the potential in him, even when others couldn‘t see it at the beginning. She has a talent for looking beyond the surface and seems to recognize the potential in people.


Film karakter yang mirip dengan Dorothy Schutte
