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DJ Octavio tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu DJ Octavio? DJ Octavio adalah tipe kepribadian ENTJ di mbti, 3w4 - so/sp - 387 di enneagram, SLOEN dalam Big 5, ILE dalam socionics."

I genuinely can’t see ENTP besides “funny octopus makes funny DJ jokes”. Before I begin, I’d like to ask where people see Ne-Ti. I’d like someone to explain this, because there is a large ENTP consensus. This comment is just me giving my two cents. Now, we don’t have much information on Octavio, and his dialogue doesn’t provide much insight so I’ll just be working with what I have. (Te) Te users are efficient, and goal oriented. He doesn’t seem to care much about the Octarians actual feelings, and instead he also care about the actual goal over them. He’s also seen to be commanding and assertive in some of his dialogue or quotes.(“Ayo.. You guys had better get the job done this time!”) Also just because he was team chaos doesn’t mean he’s an ENTP. The octarians were team order because they follow his orders. (Ni) Octavio has a distinct plan for the future and has plans to achieve his goal. Also, in Splatoon 3, he assumes that Cuttlefish stole his army, or that the inklings were behind it. This could be seen as Si, but I think it could just be him using Ni to come to an inaccurate conclusion, and not using Ni as a dominant function. I'd also like to address that just because he wants revenge for something that happened in the past doesn't mean that he has Si. Ni looks for patterns to make connections, and come to conclusions. They reduce options depending on the current situations, and Si compares the present to past experiences. Also Ni-Se over Si-Ne because once again, he has an end goal in mind and he doesn’t seem as grounded as an Si user. (3w4) I think he’s a 3w4 because of the whole DJ persona thing which comes across as quite individualistic, and his extravagant style as well. (w4) Also, “If I can get Callie on my side, I’ll be able to bring the world to its knees!”. Thanks for reading to my s***ty argument, try to refute me if anything seems off or incorrect. Also I’d like to see a real ENTP argument!


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