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  2. literatur
  3. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The Wicked Witch of the West tipe kepribadian MBTI

The Wicked Witch of the West tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu The Wicked Witch of the West? The Wicked Witch of the West adalah tipe kepribadian INTJ di mbti, 3w4 - sp/sx - 548 di enneagram, RLOEI dalam Big 5, ILI dalam socionics."


The wicked witch who rules the Winkies from her Yellow Castle. When the Wizard of Oz sends Dorothy and her friends to defeat the witch, she uses the Winged Monkeys to capture them. The witch then tries to get the Silver Shoes away from Dorothy, who throws a bucket of water on the witch, not knowing it will make the witch melt away forever. With the Wicked Witch of the West gone, Dorothy, her friends, and the Winkies are set free.

literatur karakter yang mirip dengan The Wicked Witch of the West
