1. Orang & karakter
  2. Film
  3. Training Day (2001)

Alonzo Harris tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Alonzo Harris? Alonzo Harris adalah tipe kepribadian ESTP di mbti, 8w7 - sx/sp - 837 di enneagram, SCUEN dalam Big 5, SLE dalam socionics."

It's easy to get carried away with stereotypes. If anyone in a movie is capable of planning anything at all, it seems as if they're automatically pegged as a Te-Ni type. But does this sound like Te-Ni to you? • "Unlearn that bulls**t they teach you at the academy … S**t’ll get you killed out here." • "Roll your window down … You gotta hear the street. You gotta smell it, you know? You gotta taste that s**t, feel it." • "The sooner you can match what’s in your head with what’s goin’ on in the real world, the better you’re gonna feel." This is Se. Harris is adaptive, first and foremost. He may have planned an *outline* of the entire day beforehand, figuring out which logistical pieces need to be moved and where, but most of the execution of the plan necessarily hinges on his interactions and relationships with people, especially with Hoyt. Hoyt absolutely cannot be accounted for ahead of time, and Harris has to handle this part of the scheme in the moment using Se and Fe. At nearly every point of their one-on-one interactions, Harris is probing Hoyt for information or for indications of how he is feeling, and then reacting instinctively. He knows exactly when to dangle a carrot (e.g. making Detective), when to use force (e.g. pulling a gun; using the PCP threat), and when to show sympathy (e.g. "You did the right thing,"; "I know what you're going through."). This is an excellent representation of how an Se/Fe sociopath operates. The plan is important, but it doesn't arise out of a general tendency to plan. What we see, above all else, is someone making the most out of what they're given in the moment. Ti often manifests as an unorganized set of pithy, broadly applicable principles that have been distilled from general experience – this is true especially of extraverts. We see this quality in Harris's dialogue as well: • "To protect the sheep, you gotta catch the wolf, and it takes a wolf to catch a wolf." (This has some Ni in it too.) • "It’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove." • "In this business, you gotta have a little dirt on you for anybody to trust you."


