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  3. Historical Figures (1800s)

Empress Elisabeth of Austria tipe kepribadian MBTI

Empress Elisabeth of Austria tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Empress Elisabeth of Austria? Empress Elisabeth of Austria adalah tipe kepribadian INFP di mbti, 4w5 - sp/sx - 416 di enneagram, RLUAI dalam Big 5, EIE dalam socionics."

Elisabeth used to prioritize aesthetical and image-focused self-expression over knowledge. She was extremely concerned about her physical appearance and clothes and what others think about it, going to extremes to maintain her beauty, some examples include the development of anorexia, brushing her hair 3 hours daily, sleeping with meat on her face because she believed that it would keep her perfect skin, etc. She also was very interested about fashion, designing her own jewerly. She went to the point of using a veil at her middle-age so no one would see that she wasn't a perfect youthful beauty anymore.


Elisabeth of Bavaria (24 December 1837 – 10 September 1898) was Empress of Austria and Queen of Hungary by marriage to Emperor Franz Joseph I. Elisabeth was born into the royal Bavaria house of Wittelsbach. Nicknamed "Sisi", she enjoyed an informal upbringing before marrying Emperor Franz Joseph I at the age of sixteen. The marriage thrust her into the much more formal Habsburg court life, for which she was unprepared and which she found uncongenial. Early in the marriage she was at odds with her mother-in-law, Archduchess Sophie, who took over the rearing of Elisabeth's daughters, one of whom, Sophie, died in infancy. The birth of the heir apparent, Crown Prince Rudolf, improved her standing at court, but her health suffered under the strain, and she would often visit Hungary for its more relaxed environment. She came to develop a deep kinship with Hungary, and helped to bring about the dual monarchy of Austria–Hungary in 1867.

Historis selebriti mirip dengan Empress Elisabeth of Austria
