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  2. Video game
  3. Mass Effect (Series)

Subject Zero "Jack" tipe kepribadian MBTI

Subject Zero "Jack" tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Subject Zero "Jack"? Subject Zero "Jack" adalah tipe kepribadian ISTP di mbti, 6w5 - sx/sp - 684 di enneagram, RLUEN dalam Big 5, SLE dalam socionics."


Jack, also known as Subject Zero, is a notorious criminal whose crimes include piracy, kidnapping, vandalism and murder. Jack became the prime subject of a Cerberus experiment with the goal of enhancing biotic potential in humans, regardless of the cost. The project was lavishly funded, highly efficient, and morally indifferent, with brutal human experimentation and conditioning techniques to maximize results. Having been used and abused so many times by people in her life, Jack refuses to trust anyone and is clearly both angered and confused by attempts at conversation. The tortures and her subsequent criminal life experiences have rendered her a borderline psychopath, with an unpredictably violent nature and a severely antisocial personality. Underneath all this, she is frightened, tormented by memories of her past and longs for closure. Jack will eventually soften and reveal her past, where on multiple occasions she was taken advantage of when she let her guard down.

Video game karakter yang mirip dengan Subject Zero "Jack"
