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Alfred, Hunter of Vilebloods tipe kepribadian MBTI

Alfred, Hunter of Vilebloods tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Alfred, Hunter of Vilebloods? Alfred, Hunter of Vilebloods adalah tipe kepribadian ESFJ di mbti, 1w2 - so/sx - 136 di enneagram, SCOAI dalam Big 5, ESE dalam socionics."

I think he's a so2 rather than a 1. Alfred's personality is centered around pride, emotional manipulation, and martyrdom, which are 2s at their absolute worst. If he were a 1, he would be motivated by the need to prove to himself that he's an ethical person. Instead, he didn't even care enough about ethics to look further into the rumors of the Vilebloods — he only knew vaguely of their existence and opposition to the Healing Church, and proceeded to throw himself into this "grand quest" of rescuing his idol and achieving martyrdom for him. He manipulates Hunters into giving him information by masking as a kindhearted person, giving them gifts and information so that they will lead him to complete his delusional quest. Social twos have a very strong "giving to get" mentality, in the sense that they achieve their goals through their promises of rewards and attention. His pride is the most evident thing to me... Right after he mutilates Annalise, he gloats about his "victory," and if you attack him, he immediately assumes the player is jealous of this monumental achievement 😭 and then he proceeds to make a martyr of himself, too. My silly little so2


Video game karakter yang mirip dengan Alfred, Hunter of Vilebloods
