1. Orang & karakter
  2. Televisi
  3. The Suite Life on Deck (2008)

Bailey Pickett tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Bailey Pickett? Bailey Pickett adalah tipe kepribadian ESFJ di mbti, 2w1 - so/sx - 217 di enneagram, SCOAI dalam Big 5, ESE dalam socionics."

Although Bailey’s heart fix and overall enneagram type is a 2, she is a 1w2 gut fix. She seeks being a morally good person and desires order, and she can be very perfectionistic at times. The reason she’s more laidback, however, is because she is Sanguine (extroverted, helpful, people-oriented, cheerful, optimistic, bright) and has a 7 head fix (she desires to have fun and discover new things). Her tritype is 127, called the Teacher, which fits her because she is very smart, enjoys learning about the world by traveling across the globe, and tutoring and teaching others. This can make her seem uptight and like a know-it-all, but she means well. Her two fix can make her be people-pleasing, and other characters like Zack and London call her a teacher’s pet and a goody-two-shoes, but she doesn’t care, because she believes that shows she is a good person (1 desires to be right and fears becoming corrupt). Bailey stands up for what she believes in, and helping others (her w2) is one of the ways she expresses this. Edit: More specifically, I think her tritype is 1w2 2w1 7w6 (127, “The Teacher”)


Bailey is a farm girl from Kansas who started attending Seven Seas High to get out of her small town. She is pretty bubbly, friendly, and smart, almost a female equivalent to Cody.

Televisi karakter yang mirip dengan Bailey Pickett
