1. Orang & karakter
  2. Film
  3. Camp Rock (2008)

Tess Tyler tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Tess Tyler? Tess Tyler adalah tipe kepribadian ESFP di mbti, 3w4 - so/sp - 378 di enneagram, SLOEN dalam Big 5, EIE dalam socionics."

Yes! Tess has finally been changed to ESFP! Her Se is clear, she is very outgoing and takes things as they are and acts on it - often by manipulating her friends and enemies. We also see this with her sometimes impulsive decision making, like when she immediately switched to Camp Star in Camp Rock 2 because of how good they were. Her auxiliary Fi is clear, the things she does is because she internalizes her feelings and acts on them (example: she felt threatened by Mitchie’s talent and thought Mitchie might win Final Jam over her, and Tess wanted to impress her mom my winning Final Jam, therefore she internalized these feelings and saw Mitchie as a threat. Her tertiary Te is clear - she is very efficient and knows how to get what she wants. She is also very logic in her schemes and manipulation. She separated her feelings and went to Camp Star in the second movie to improve her craft and singing career, no matter her feelings or loyalty to Camp Rock. Also, her inferior Ni isn’t used very much, but is still quiet developed, as she is able to think about the future, the consequences of her actions, and has a very dreamy, idealistic hope of the future (which is being a rich and famous singer and following in her mother’s footsteps.) An ESFP, through and through. ⭐️

