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Herakles / Heracles (Hercules) tipe kepribadian MBTI

Herakles / Heracles (Hercules) tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Herakles / Heracles (Hercules)? Herakles / Heracles (Hercules) adalah tipe kepribadian ESTP di mbti, 8w7 - sx/sp - 872 di enneagram, SLUAN dalam Big 5, SLE dalam socionics."

How Heracles doesn't have so in his stack? On many myths he uses his power and influence in the service of others, supporting them rather than asserting his own needs. And he doesn't do that only because he is serving Eurystheus, he shows mercy to the Cercopes and freed Prometheus. Heracles was build up to be the ideal hero by Zeus (he chose alcmene deliberately to be the mother of this idealized figure because she was some kind of "perfect" woman not only in beauty terms, but in personality too, he knew that she would be a great mother), for that he shouldn't only be brave, but altruistic and in some level even compassionate.


The son of Zeus and the mortal queen Alcmene, Heracles is strength personified and he had to earn his way to godhood. While still an infant, he strangled two huge snakes with his bare hands. Of course, Zeus's wife, Hera, was jealous of the affair that begot Heracles, and she is always conspiring to bring him harm. He appears as a large, muscular man with a tangled beard. He wears a lion's skin and carries a massive club. During his mortal existence, he was impulsive and hedonistic, liable to do or attempt almost anything just for the fun of it. He was also infamous for his temper, and the slightest insult or affront was enough to provoke him. He was always deeply remorseful afterward, especially when he overreacted. Since attaining godhood, Heracles has shown more restraint, though he is still very proud and more than a little vain. If tricked, swindled, or lied to, Heracles seeks revenge even if it takes him years to get even. Heracles is a fearless adventurer whose many escapades are the stuff of legend. A robust, cheerful man, he has an appetite for food and women that almost equals that of his divine father. Heracles expects his followers to keep fit and to rely on their physical prowess to overcome any difficulties they might encounter. If there's one thing that impresses Heracles, it's confidence. He promotes physical challenges as a method for resolving disputes among his followers. Such challenges might include wrestling matches between two people having an argument, or longer quests in which people attempt to perform a series of daunting tasks. While a mortal, Hercules himself once completed a series of twelve great tasks as a penance after flying into a rage.

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