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Lee Nagyung (fromis_9) tipe kepribadian MBTI

Lee Nagyung (fromis_9) tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Lee Nagyung (fromis_9)? Lee Nagyung (fromis_9) adalah tipe kepribadian INTP di mbti, 4w3 - so/sp - 497 di enneagram, SLOAI dalam Big 5, IEI dalam socionics."

she seems like an extrovert on cam but who knows what's she actually doing while off cam


Lee Na Gyung (also known as Nakyung) is a South Korean singer and dancer currently under CJ E&M Music. She is a member of girl group Fromis_9. Nickname Nakko or just Nakky. Members call her "the cutest member". Nakyung is a very serious gamer. She’s the best in aegyo. She said that her favorite kind of guy is someone who doesn't have self-confidence, because she likes to help people with their problems. "A guy who makes her feel like she wants to protect him.” She likes sleeping and she`s really hard wake up in the morning. She studied abroad in China and can speak Mandarin. Nagyung was a school athlete when she was younger. She also went to the Athletic Meet as a representative of her city. She likes to play baseball and everyone says she is surprisingly very good. Her favorite music genre is ballads. She likes love songs. Everyone says that Nagyung is very sincere, gentle and caring. Her motto: “Doing everything but regret it later rather than be stupid for not doing anything.”

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