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  2. Video game
  3. Mafia

Don Ennio Salieri tipe kepribadian MBTI

Don Ennio Salieri tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Don Ennio Salieri? Don Ennio Salieri adalah tipe kepribadian ENTJ di mbti, 8w9 - so/sp - 835 di enneagram, SCOEN dalam Big 5, LIE dalam socionics."

Warm, knows what to say when, always has a plan and never hesitates on doing what he has to do. His usual approach to things indicate very strony Te. Also him orderding the assasination of his close friend Frank shows how pragmatic the Don is. His Ni works great. As you would expect from a mafia boss. Specially in the first half of the game. Through the end Te Se loop kicks in and he looks like an Unhealthy ESTP. He has an ability to use Fe or sugarcoat his Te in a way that it looks like Fe. It's an obvious manipulation method and is indeed unhealthy. But he is great at it. Him not foreseeing that Tommy and Ralphie could find out about the heroin/brilliants happens when he was looping. The remastered version is 8w7 the original one is 8w9.


Video game karakter yang mirip dengan Don Ennio Salieri
