1. Orang & karakter
  2. Film
  3. Re-Animator (1985)

Herbert West tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Herbert West? Herbert West adalah tipe kepribadian INTP di mbti, 5w6 - sx/sp - 584 di enneagram, RCUEI dalam Big 5, ILE dalam socionics."

I can see why people would assume INTJ based on his desire to practically 'cure death' but the way he goes about it isnt very Ni in my opinion. A Ni dom would be a lot more bull-headed about it and a Te user wouldnt really act like how he did during the infamous pencil breaking scene. Hes definitely an XNTP, and imo hes an INTP. Hes definitely a strong Ne user but I dont think it overpowers his Ti.

