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Mutahar Anas (SomeOrdinaryGamers) tipe kepribadian MBTI

Mutahar Anas (SomeOrdinaryGamers) tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Mutahar Anas (SomeOrdinaryGamers)? Mutahar Anas (SomeOrdinaryGamers) adalah tipe kepribadian ENTP di mbti, 6w7 - so/sp - 694 di enneagram, SCUAI dalam Big 5, IEE dalam socionics."

Guy says he likes to sit with a pen and pad to analyze and breakdown videos on his own. He also claims to enjoy messing around with scripts and vms on his spare time, even if it comes to no practical effect. This guy oozes Ne-Ti. Individual below made an interesting case for LIE which I might have to look into later, I thought IEE was fitting for the most part given how upstanding and ethically inclined he is, but I know LIE’s can also be quite goofy and it’s possible that Muta more so cares that the proper information is out there rather than desiring to be morally upstanding. Who knows. As for his enneagram, it’s hard to say, he has a rather complex mix of 6 and 7 motivations though I’m leaning towards type 6 given his overt focus on security and keeping “what’s his, his.” At the same time though, he has the positive and charming disposition of the 7, like when he was hospitalized and began to joke about his situation. An excerpt from his video: “So to put it into like you know, a very quick understanding of what’s going on, my bottom right, my appendix is blown up, like there’s spooky juice everywhere, ok, there’s like a Rainbow Six Siege LAN tourney going on in the worst region in the world, we’re talking like ultra toxic, you know like snort the toxicity gas all day every day. It’s like a League match, and a Siege match had like a baby, somehow a CS:GO match decided to like splooge in the mix…” Perhaps it’s likely that he simply has a strong 7 wing, though the same could be said in the inverse.


Internet selebriti mirip dengan Mutahar Anas (SomeOrdinaryGamers)
