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  2. Video game
  3. Cuphead

Cuphead tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Cuphead? Cuphead adalah tipe kepribadian ESTP di mbti, 7w8 - sx/so - 738 di enneagram, SCUEN dalam Big 5, SLE dalam socionics."

WHY LIMBIC? In the game, he barely speaks at all, but even then I don’t think he has any limbic traits? Lets go off of the base of the story.. Cuphead and Mugman are two curious brothers who went off going on an adventure for fun and ended up causing problems there on the way (mostly Cuphead doing so) to the point he had made a deal with the devil . Cuphead runs into things immediately without thinking, he shows no signs of uncontrolled anxiety or anger, nor does he have inner struggles or frustrations. He’s usually a happy-go-lucky person going on his adventures without a care in the world, he doesn’t seem to be tilted or agitated by crises and I think this is obviously shown in the games since he never seems to affected by anything at all (same goes for his brother, but that’s probs cause’ of the little to no dialogue). And even then, we have the series to go off of and that also shows he’s C > L.

