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  3. Metal Gear Series

Dr. Hal Emmerich / Otacon tipe kepribadian MBTI

Dr. Hal Emmerich / Otacon tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Dr. Hal Emmerich / Otacon? Dr. Hal Emmerich / Otacon adalah tipe kepribadian INTP di mbti, 5w4 - sx/sp - 549 di enneagram, RLUAI dalam Big 5, LII dalam socionics."

Dude is an INTP. His emotional outbursts come from repressed emotions and inability to handle emotions properly due to childhood trauma. When he opens his mouth, Ti, Ne and Si pour out. He's constantly giving Snake exposition on how things work with Ti, not Te. I'm not saying that INFPs can't be smart or even that they can't be scientists or engineers, but the designer of a GIANT BIPEDAL NUKE LAUNCHING TANK probably would have dominant Ti instead of inferior Te. His motivation for wanting to make Metal Gears being anime robots is not only a stereotypical INTP quality, but it makes total sense for his functions. Si comfort with anime robots, Ne interest based passions, and ideas of how he would make his own, and Ti structure to actually plan it out and figure a means of bringing his plans into fruition. Fe inferior causes him to latch onto Snake and the two of them become best friends through a shared Fe inferior connection.


Dr. Hal "Otacon" Emmerich was the chief engineer of Metal Gear REX. He became a close friend of Solid Snake after Snake rescued him during the Shadow Moses Incident in 2005. Later that year, he and Snake founded the anti-Metal Gear NGO Philanthropy. Following the Guns of the Patriots Incident, he became the adoptive father of Sunny. A devoted fan of anime, Hal's chosen nickname was derived from the Japanese animation convention Otakon. #ChristopherRandolph

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