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Alfred Pennyworth tipe kepribadian MBTI

Alfred Pennyworth tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Alfred Pennyworth? Alfred Pennyworth adalah tipe kepribadian ISFJ di mbti, 1w9 - so/sp - 126 di enneagram, RCOAN dalam Big 5, ESI dalam socionics."

okay, im gonna say it. he's the best member of the batfamily.


Probably the most famous butler in existence, Alfred and his ancestors have served the Waynes for generations; when Thomas & Martha Wayne were shot, he was the one who raised Bruce. It seemed natural, then, that Bruce trusted him the most. From the start, Alfred knew that Bruce was Batman - in fact, he has often assisted his master with his latest experiments/inventions, even though he sometimes wishes that his master will settle down and live a normal life. During several critical junctures in Batman's career, Alfred was the key factor in his survival. A master surgeon, Alfred was almost always the one to patch him back up after particularly gruesome battles, since Batman couldn't very well simply go to the hospital. Alfred can be said to be the closest thing to a father figure that Bruce has - his advice is often the only one that Bruce gives a second thought about. Or, as Michael Caine has said, he's more of the replacement mother figure in contrast with Gordon's replacement father

Pahlawan super karakter yang mirip dengan Alfred Pennyworth
