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Souren Araya tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Souren Araya? Souren Araya adalah tipe kepribadian INTJ di mbti, 5w6 - - 548 di enneagram, RCOEI dalam Big 5, ILI dalam socionics."

Araya has the vibe of a 5w4, but this isn't actually reflected in the deeper aspects of his personality. The core desire of a 5w4 is to feel helpful and able, and the core fear of a 5w4 is that they are incompetent and helpless. While this isn't necessarily a contradiction to Araya's personality, it's not his core. His desires and fears are rooted elsewhere. There are also many personality traits attributed to 5w4's (such as a tendency to be oversensitive and an inability to think practically or realistically) which are very clear contradictions; Araya has an extremely thick skin, and he shows an extreme level of method and practically when putting his plans into action. 5w4 isn't a great fit. His whole goal throughout Paradox Paradigm is to unlock the Akasha, due to having witnessed countless deaths in his life and, on a deeper level, wishing that he could understand the reason for death. He also seeks it so that he can access the place where the memories of all those who had died and been forgotten would be kept for eternity. In the end, he seeks knowledge and understanding; a close fit for type 5, but with a very organised and methodical process. He also hopes that his goals will make a difference in the world, and that all the sacrifices he puts in will not be in vain, rather than simply centring in on his own identity. 5w6 is a much better fit.


A former Buddhist monk who has lived for around 300 years and a previous acquaintance of Touko from the Mage's Association, he is a major antagonist of the series who appears during the fifth movie. Though he may be an average magus at face value, he is highly skilled in the creation of Boundary Fields. Over the course of the series, he sets into motion an elaborate scheme involving awakening supernatural powers in others in order to further his own goal of reaching the Origin.
