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Omar Khayyam tipe kepribadian MBTI

Omar Khayyam tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Omar Khayyam? Omar Khayyam adalah tipe kepribadian ENTP di mbti, 7w6 - sx/sp - di enneagram, SCUEI dalam Big 5, ILE dalam socionics."

he is arguing with the god. epic ENTP moment, my man.


Omar Khayyám (born Ghiyāth ad-Dīn Abu'l-Fatḥ ʿUmar ibn Ibrāhīm al-Khayyām Nīshāpūrī; 18 May 1048 – 4 December 1131) was a Persian mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, and poet, widely considered to be one of the most influential thinkers of the Middle Ages.
