Heavy tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Heavy? Heavy adalah tipe kepribadian ISFP di mbti, 9w8 - sp/sx - 972 di enneagram, RCOAN dalam Big 5, SEI dalam socionics."

Don't let his loud screams and violent sandvich-munching tendencies fool you. He's a big softy.


Real name: Mikhail (aka Misha) The Heavy is a towering powerhouse of a man hailing from the arctic regions of Russia, with a bald head and perma-stubble, and wields a massive minigun. Having escaped from the Gulag with his family to the Dzhugdzhur Mountains, the Heavy has left the U.S.S.R. to work as a mercenary in America and sends his money to his mother and sisters. His hulking appearance, brutish behavior, and mediocre English make him look unintelligent, but the Heavy is actually smarter than he looks and can be perceptive and calm, along with a PhD in Russian literature. At the same time, he really enjoys killing people and has dubbed his miniguns with affectionate names "Sasha", "Natascha", or "Oksana". The Heavy is perhaps the closest thing to a main character in the game, in how he is often featured "front and center" due to his size in artwork (in one splash screen, in the game's box art, in the selection lineup, and in the promotional team lineup) and him getting the first class-centric video (and appearing first in both trailers and foremost in "Meet the Sandvich"). The Heavy was the third class to be updated with fun new toys.

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