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  3. Hellsing Ultimate

Walter C. Dornez tipe kepribadian MBTI

Walter C. Dornez tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Walter C. Dornez? Walter C. Dornez adalah tipe kepribadian INFJ di mbti, 5w4 - so/sx - 512 di enneagram, RCOAI dalam Big 5, LSI dalam socionics."


Integra's butler and also the retired retainer of the Hellsing Family. He is known as the "Angel of Death", due to his incredible fighting prowess and skill with manipulating ultra-thin wires that can cut nearly anything to ribbons. Don't be fooled by his elderly appearance — to this day, he can still prove to kick a lot of undead ass.

Anime & Manga karakter yang mirip dengan Walter C. Dornez
