Simon tipe kepribadian MBTI


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Simon? Simon adalah tipe kepribadian ISFJ di mbti, 9w1 - sp/so - 962 di enneagram, RCOAN dalam Big 5, EII dalam socionics."

What’s going on here? How is Simon an INFP 5w6? We've got two polar sides (Josh and North) and most of the time whatever we choose Simon agrees. His values are purely based on external harmony. I thought that was the reason he was in the game: to contrast with two characters with different individual views and values on revolution. Simon is pretty much conflict avoidant and goes with what Markus decides. Unlike Josh and North, the cause itself isn't what moves Simon, but it's their people (each one of them). North and Josh will sacrifice people of their group for the cause because it's the right thing to do for them (Fi), while Simon isn't fond of this idea unless he senses a threat to the group (Fe) - like that time the droid guard found them stealing, Simon disapproves the decision to bring him back to Jericho because he could be dangerous to the group (while North doesn't want him to join because he's on the humans' side - Fi). In the Freedom March scene when they're stopped by the police, Josh says they should stay put peaceably and North wants to fight. Simon just wants to go back and avoid any kind of confrontation to protect their people. He's a typical high Fe user + type 9 combo. “Nines demonstrate the universal temptation to ignore the disturbing aspects of life and to seek some degree of peace and comfort by numbing out. They respond to pain and suffering by attempting to live in a state of premature peacefulness, whether it is in a state of false spiritual attainment or in more gross denial. More than any other type, Nines demonstrate the tendency to run away from the paradoxes and tensions of life by attempting to transcend them or by seeking simple and painless solutions to their problems.” Not to mention his disintegration to 6. The way he relies on Markus to an extreme level. When he’s left to die and is rewired by Connor, he desperately wants to go back to Jericho, falling for Connor's trick so easily and trusting Markus to save him, even after he left him to die (plus, there’re paths where Simon literally dies for Markus: on the Freedom March, at the end of the war giving his heart to him. He trusts Markus blindly, he’ll do anything to keep him alive for their people - Fe). “When these [Nines'] coping skills are insufficient to contain their anxieties, Nines go to Six, investing themselves in ideas or relationships that they believe will give them more security and stability.” Now please, how is he a 5w6? And when did he ever show strong individual values to be an INFP? The only Fi dom argument I could think of is: Simon follows Markus' values, like they are his own. But actually, Simon looks up to Markus because he knows he can help their people. When North steps in and tells Markus to leave because he was being a bad leader, Simon agrees on that decision because he understood that was better for the group. He sticks with the external values of the group to maintain harmony. Even when Markus dies and North is in command, Simon got mad about losing him because for him he was kind of his “safe haven” and "savior of all droids", Simon expresses his anger to Josh, but quickly gives up on his act when North scolds him, because is up to them to decide the future of their people. He’s clearly Fe > Fi. I agree on Si/Ne axis, it makes more sense than Ni/Se. He's a practical thinker, perceiving things in a concrete way and relies on sensory data to reach his conclusion (Si). His Si also shows when he relies on his “feeling-tone” to understand the situation and then to act on it, he knows what needs to be done to protect his people (SiFe), he’s very dutiful to his people. Plus, Simon isn't prone to big sudden changes, that's when his Ne acts up. Inferior Ne shows when he's stressed. He constantly worries about possible outcomes of every situation, so he always wants to hide or run away. You can also see his Ne when he was about to get shot by Markus because he "had no choice" and Simon replies "there's always a choice" (Ni tunnel vision X Ne range of possibilities). Simon is the only one on the group that believes that there are different options and outcomes of their actions, while others have one single vision (all three of them Ni users). North thinks that the only way to win is to fight; Josh sees that the only way to win is dialogue; Markus depends on the players choice, but he’s not someone to weigh different outcomes, trusting his single view to make his choices; and Simon balance his options based on the environment and the people around him. Sometimes he can be more on Josh’s side; sometimes he agrees with North; he usually agrees with Markus’ judgements; and sometimes Simon has his own opinions on the situation, but it's always based on external values and it’s always avoiding conflict in any kind of way (peaceful or assertive), that's why he is the third "path" in the game.


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