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John Francis Daley tipe kepribadian MBTI

John Francis Daley tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu John Francis Daley? John Francis Daley adalah tipe kepribadian ENFP di mbti, 2w3 - - di enneagram, dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."

not sure if enneagram 2w3 or 7w6/8 is more plausible. i would initially say 7 but dont want to sound stereotypical, the reasoning more-so comes from his bts performance in f&g, and any 13yr old boy can be justified as a 7 in some way haha. talking abt his adult career, 2w3 seems plausible, i see a 3 fix somewhere in there. whether its 2w3, 3w2, 3w4, or 4w3 who knows


One half of the duo of John Francis Daley and Jonathan Goldstein, the duo who co-wrote Spider Man: Homecoming and Horrible Bosses, directed Vacation and Game Night.
