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T.O.P (BIGBANG) tipe kepribadian MBTI

T.O.P (BIGBANG) tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu T.O.P (BIGBANG)? T.O.P (BIGBANG) adalah tipe kepribadian INFP di mbti, 4w5 - sp/sx - 469 di enneagram, RLOAN dalam Big 5, SLI dalam socionics."

Clearly INFP! Fi: Man’s always in his feelings, easily affected by negative events, not very outwardly expressive and rarely is focused on the feelings of other people. Very up in his own emotions. Every time he talks about one of his interests there’s always so many nuanced introverted feeling judgements, such as when he’s talking about the intricacies of art and wine. He’s able to describe the emotional connections of his inner world in such detail, but in the way that Fi users do, where they rarely ever directly state their actual emotion like an Fe user would lmfao. Doesn’t speak much in interviews, but when he does, everything is dripping with Fi authenticity. Ne: He spends most interviews zoned out until he does some completely out of left field joke/action that very much came from his own Fi/Ne interpretation of the situation. Most of his jokes end up shocking everyone (outside of his group mates who know him well) because of his lack of Fe/Se. Recently he’s started a fashion line, a wine business, and is releasing music and NFTs all at once. Classic Ne behavior to dip into 5 ventures simultaneously. Si: Harder for me to point out a specific example of Si outside of how he seems to linger on past relationships for a long time (A Good Man and As If Nothing’s Wrong). You could make the argument that he constantly returns to the same few comforts (alcohol and art) to soothe himself when he’s going through a rough patch. I do think that his comfort hobby, art collection, also points to him being a Si user, as Si tertiaries like to hoard comforting things when stressed. Additionally, Se is definitely in his blind spot with how he never seems like he’s truly in the moment unless some Ne thing is going on. Te: Really doesn’t have a ton of follow through on getting stuff done lmao, even GD has worried about him progressing in his career. I also remember the story in which he yelled at Seungri for obsessing over money when they were supposed to be artists, which sounds exactly like Te inferior to me. With his recent business ventures it seems like he’s growing into his Te more, and I’m excited to see where that will lead him.


Choi Seung-hyun (born November 4, 1987), better known by his stage name T.O.P, is a South Korean rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer and actor who rose to fame in the mid-2000s as one of two rappers in the hip hop boy band Big Bang under South Korean record label YG Entertainment.

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