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Tokiomi Tohsaka tipe kepribadian MBTI

Tokiomi Tohsaka tipe kepribadian MBTI image


"Jenis kepribadian apa itu Tokiomi Tohsaka? Tokiomi Tohsaka adalah tipe kepribadian ISTJ di mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 613 di enneagram, RCOEN dalam Big 5, dalam socionics."


Tokiomi Tohsaka is the head of the Tohsaka family. Of the three families that founded the Grail War system, he is the only one that is still pursuing the original goal of reaching the Root. To give himself an advantage, he conspires with his close friend and Grail Overseer Risei Kotomine. Though he loves his daughters, he allowed his younger daughter Sakura to be adopted by the Matou family because he felt it would give her a better life, earning the hatred of Kariya Matou, who feels that Tokiomi has sold his own daughter to a monster. Tokiomi also works with Risei's son Kirei, who he has taken as his apprentice. Kirei is the Master of Assassin and uses them as an information network while Tokiomi uses the immensely powerful Archer class Servant Gilgamesh. The arrogant Gilgamesh is highly independent, making him very difficult for Tokiomi to control, but he does seem to accept Tokiomi as a subordinate that will occasionally be listened to.
